Throughout my time with PTC Productions I was surprised to be given projects involving design, but equally excited. I worked on multiple projects involving the editing of tabloid signs, fixing photoshop documents, and replacing logos on items used at the New York event for branding purposes. However, I also got to design my own projects from scratch. Three of my most prominant projects are listed below.
1. Pam, PTC Productions CEO, after seeing my work on a couple of design projects, asked me to help design a number of logos for the new direction that The PULSE is moving towards. After several drafts and edits, the three below are the final product. Starting as early as September 10th the logos will be printed on merchandise, posted on social media and used to brand the new direction of The PULSE On Tour.
2. I also had the opportunity of designing a few luggage tags for the dancers who attend The PULSE and a series of social media templates. The two templates shown below were two of 25 that I created for each guest choreographer who taught at the PULSE. The Choreographers posted their individual photo on their own social media to promote both the Scottsdale, AZ and New York City events.
3. The last social media will be used to announce The PULSE On Tour's 2016-2017 city schedule.
Luggage Tag Designs
Logo Designs
Social Media Template Designs